
Enjoy your journey wid Me.. :)

HaTe ??

"Hate", how often do we come across this word in our lives? We all say " I hate Him/ her" or "I hate this or that"... Umpteen number of times certain things or persons whom we like / love or admire are no longer that adorable or liked by us.. Now why does that happen ? As far as I feel, we tend hate people because of the following

when that person has toyed with your emotions & Feelings and you come to know about that
we hear or see certain things that we never like to
Overweighting of the negative information
When you want to be like that person but you can't
when you think you might get hurt because of that person
When your unable to digest the plain facts and you tend to filter the information for your convenience, and when your mind says your right and the other person is the root cause for all the negatives
When your rejected by that person & when your ego takes a beating...


Perfect Analysis madhu :) Liked it :)


Wow. Very interesting facts get to know. Keep posting more.